what is your Sanitation Protocol?

To protect both you and I as per regulation, I will wash and sanitize my hands, and wear gloves.

All surfaces that can be cleaned, will be disinfected with PreEmpt (hospital grade disinfectant) prior to and after your appointment.

Hand and foot files, and nail buffers will be discarded after each service. Other metal implements that are used will be washed and sanitized with PreEmpt CS20 (used in hospitals and dentist offices).

I will do my best to keep you safe and comfortable!

Do you only work on natural nails?

Yes! At TU Esthetic Studio I only work on natural nails. I do not do nail extensions or acrylic nails, and I do not remove them. Please have these products removed before your scheduled appointment. My goal is to help your nails grow long and strong!

What is cuccio naturalé?

I want to use products that are safe and natural, for all types of clients to enjoy. My Mani and Pedi services are curated with the Cuccio Naturalé line, which is a non-toxic and cruelty-free line from Italy. Their polishes don’t contain harmful chemicals that can damage your natural nails. They are 10 free, which means you won’t find the following: Formaldehyde, Tosylamide/Formaldehyde, Resin, Toluene, DBP, Camphor, Xylene, Ethy Tosylamide, Parabens, Fragrances, Tripheryl Phosphate and its even gluten free! I hope you’ll enjoy this line as much as I enjoy using it!

Cuccio Naturalé products are safe for children, and pregnant women.

why do you do waterless nail services?

By limiting water with our services we are eliminating cross contamination of harmful bacteria and fungal infections. When our hands are soaked in water, our nails acts as a sponge by absorbing the water and holding on to the water for 24hrs- that’s how long it takes for our nail to completely dry! Have you noticed the first 48hrs of getting a manicure your nails look great, then the polish starts chipping and peeling plus dry and peeling cuticles? No one wants that!  By elimination water soaks, your polish will last longer and will hold on to the product, reducing the chances of lifting and peeling. With this eco-friendly choice I like to think I am helping our planet by decreasing the use of 30L of water with every manicure and pedicure service (including washing and sterilizing post service) … You’re welcome planet Earth!

How can I best care for my nails?

Here’s a simple guide of Do’s and Don’ts!

DO make sure to give yourself enough time after your appointment to let your nails dry (40 minutes)… You wouldn’t want to ruin your freshly polished nails!

DO moisturize your cuticles and hands on a regular basis.

DO apply cuticle oil at least twice a day. I highly recommend my favourite Cuccio Naturalé cuticle oils (it smells delicious!)

DO wear gloves when gardening, using hair dyes, household cleaning products, and when using anything that can stain your nails.

DON’T be harsh with your nails. Treat them like jewels, not tools!

DON’T pick or peel your gel polish. Please contact me to set up an appointment and I’ll fix it right up!